
Hi. My name is Beth Stanfield.

I am a wife, mom, lawyer, podcast host, entrepreneur, speaker, writer, and dance fitness instructor. 

This is my story…

In 2023 (after 18 years as a law firm “yes girl”), I took my leap of faith into female entrepreneurship to create LIONA–a business building platform dedicated to helping you find your freedom by starting, managing, and growing your own dream business and walking with you as you move from zero to thousands and from thousands to millions.

I started this business to fulfill my mission, which is to see women like me, like YOU, achieve your highest, wildest, most inspired dreams. 

I believe in every cell of my body that you were born for more and that you alone are uniquely qualified and responsible to fulfill your calling.


How do I know this?

How do I have 1000% belief that you will not only succeed—but smash your own perception of what is possible? 

I know this because what I have is CONTAGIOUS.

I have the unshakable belief that if you truly desire financial, professional, and personal freedom, if you are willing to show up as your whole, authentic self, and if you simply refuse to quit, then you will succeed. 

No matter where you are in your business, or what you believe about your budget or your abilities, this platform is designed to seamlessly equip you in heart, mind, and soul to step into your power, walk in your freedom, and live a life of magic.

I also know that you should not and need not do this alone. We have each other. 

Are you ready to . . .

  • Take the leap of faith? 
  • Be your own boss? 
  • Find your freedom?
  • Fulfill your calling? 
  • Fulfill your dreams?
  • Move from zero to thousands?
  • Move from thousands to millions?

If the answer is “yes,” I invite you to apply for one-on-one business mentoring with me, Beth Stanfield. If you are selected for mentoring, I will pour into you every ounce of my unshakable belief, energy, skill, intellect, and vision into YOU. That’s our mission statement, value proposition, and company guarantee all in one statement.

Never forget that the story of your business is YOU.
Your fire. Your mission. Your expertise. Your dream. 

Does your branding tell that story? 

How about your website, your social media, your messaging, your search terms?

At LIONA, we believe branding is inextricably tied to the success of your business because it not only operates as a reflection of you and your story, it is your most important asset. LIONA’s branding support is like having your lawyer, your best friend, and your marketing guru all in one.

Our branding services are designed to present you—the heart and soul of your business—with beauty, clarity, and authority. But what sets LIONA apart is our ability to see you, know you, and walk with you through every part of the development process in order to protect your intellectual property and find the right blend of images, words, and media that allow you to tell your unique story. The story only you can tell. The story that your future client needs to see and hear. 

“If you can dance and be free and not be embarrassed, you can rule the world.” 
-Amy Poehler